Thursday, September 6, 2012

Ted Lavender

Today our mission was to search and destroy elaborate tunnel complexes in the Than Khe area. Today, Lee Strunk pulled the number 17, meaning he'd be crawling into the tunnel with my pistol. About five minutes went by and Lee still wasn't out. Leading down into the darkness of the tunnel I started thinking about Martha. My mind wouldn't and couldn't focus. I was trying to concentrate on Lee and when he'd be heading towards the entrance, but it's like i forgot how to make myself focus. I was living vicariously with Martha. Like a fucking zombie, Lee crawls out of the tunnel full of dirt and worms. The guys and I were clapping, making sick jokes, not realizing the day had gone completely still. The gun shot was what snapped us out of our daydreaming. Ted Lavender, lay still and dead on the ground.

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